Atocha Aliseda Llera
Atocha Aliseda Llera holds a Bachelor degree in Mathematics by the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Symbolic Systems by the Philosophy Department of Stanford University (California, USA).
She has visited the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Groningen in The Netherlands (2000, 2001, 2002, 2014), as well as the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science of the University of Seville in Spain (2002, 2007, 2011, 2012). Recently, she spent a one year sabbatical at the University Center for the Health Sciences of the University of Guadalajara (2016).
She is full professor at the Institute for Philosophical Research at UNAM and National Researcher (level III). She has published and edited books and articles on Logic and Philosophy of Science. My research topics include abductive reasoning and the logics of scientific discovery. I am currently working on topics related to causality and clinical reasoning.
She coordinated the research project "Logics of discovery, Heuristics and Creativity in the science" (PAPIIT-IN400514). Our activities may be found at the Seminar of Logic and Heuristics website.
Currently, she is coordinating a Seminar on Epistemology of the Health Sciences.